
Tree Planting at Willow Creek

As far as school camps SA go, Willow Creek Adventure camp offers students the ultimate escape from their busy lives and the bombardment of modern technology. A huge part of what makes our camp such a beautiful place to visit is its surrounding natural environment.


The camp is located on a 3rd generation 800-acre working farm called “Koolah” and has 400 acres of dairy and 400 acres of “Koolah” Angus Beef. Despite this extensive farmland, the school camp area has large pockets of heritage scrub that include Yakkas (Grass Trees) some 100 years old and standing up to 5 metres tall.


We offer a tree planting program at Willow Creek that is run in conjunction with the landowners. It is a valuable education program that develops an appreciation for looking after the natural world.


Recently students on a local Victor Harbour school camp helped to plant hundreds of Eucalyptus saplings that will one day grow big enough to be used as sustainable timber. This hands-on activity is especially empowering for students as they get their hands dirty and actively see their contribution to Willow Creek’s natural environment.